When it comes to Asian Americans in the media, one of the things I commonly hear is that we need more representation. I'm gonna go against conventional wisdom and say that APAs are everywhere. I see Cambodian rappers, reality tv stars, radio personalities, a magazine for Asian women, a time-shifting "hero," feature film directors, professional athletes, stand up comics and even a conservative political pundit. I see APAs everywhere.
Fresh Off the Box
Here at Fresh Off the Box, we talk with Asian Americans in the arts, entertainment, community service and other walks of life. We want to bring these people to you and let you hear where they find inspiration, how they overcame obstacles and what dreams they are working to achieve.
Our mission is to support Asian Americans in the media by promoting their creative work. We also want to shine a light on the people who work to build up the community or found success in their chosen path. Along the way, I hope we will discover what it means to be Asian in America today.
We are in the process of shooting our video interviews and the first one will be posted shortly. So please bookmark Fresh Off the Box and don't forget to support Asian Americans in the media!